Tag Archives: Low Income

Washington Nonprofit and State Organizations

Washington Nonprofit and State Organizations for ADHD concerns

Support and Information      Find a provider          Parenting Classes    

 Educational Issues     Low income Help


Support and Information 

ADHD and Mental Health Nonprofits

 Parent Support groups Puget Sound area – CHADD – Children and Adults with ADHD

ADHD information and Support   ADD freeSources

NAMI  is the National Alliance on Mental Illness, the nation’s largest grassroots mental health. They work to raise awareness and provide essential and free referral, support, education, and outreach surrounding mental illness.

NAMI Washington has 23 NAMI affiliates  

NAMI – Greater Seattle 

The link above works.  Or copy and paste http://namiseattle.org/

 Find a Provider

Learning Disabilities Association of Washington (LDAWA) provides a referral service to connect individuals – parents, children, teens, adults, and professionals – with resources throughout Puget Sound. Learning Disabilities Association of Washington is a state affiliate of the Learning Disabilities Association of America.  New Online Directory

Call 211 to locate appropriate treatment and agencies. There’s also a website if you want to search for yourself. ADHD, Learning Disabilities or Parenting classes yield good results.

(Link works) Washington Information Network – 211

Washington State ADHD Treatment Providers – Note: ADD freeSources does not endorse or recommend any provider or services listed. Nor should not being on the list affect your choice of provider. Most of these were chosen because they were associated with ADD Resources or local CHADD groups at some time.

Ark Institute of Learning (Facebook page) – in Tacoma assists students with a variety of learning challenges including; dyslexia, language disorder,  nonverbal learning disorder/visual-spatial processing disorder, dyscalculia, dysgraphia, specific learning disorder or disability, and attention issues. Provides assessments, training, and support – – Nonprofit, but services are billed at a regular rate.

Parenting Classes

CHADD’s  Parent to Parent Training – 14 hour Webinar Course

Puget Sound Parenting Calendar  → http://www.psasadler.org/calendar.pdf from the Puget Sound Adlerian Society (Give it a minute to load) Copy and paste URL


Catholic Community Services of Western Washington

Services and locations

Low-cost Parenting classes and counseling available at some locations


Education Issues Washington State

Washington P.A.V.E. Parent resource detailing the rights of children with disabilities to a free and appropriate education. 1-800-572-7368.

Pave Programs

  • Conducts workshops for parents and others on laws governing special education, testing and assessment, IEP’s, communication, 504 plans and other topics as needed.
  • Staff assists parents individually to increase skills in working with their children’s teachers, therapists, and other team members to obtain appropriate educational services.
  • Provides information about resources and specialists in your community.
  • Has information about resources and laws in Washington and other states.


  • Office of the Education Ombudsman is an agency within the Governor’s Office created to help elementary and secondary public school students and families in Washington understand how the public school system works, how to find education-related resources and how to resolve conflict with schools. This organization is independent and neutral and not a part of the state public education system.

Staff  Seattle office-Toll-free: 1-866-297-2597
Phone interpreter services available
Fax: 206-729-3251


Low-Income Help

Diagnosis and Treatment for Children

Catholic Community Services in Whatcom and Skagit Counties offers specialized ADHD assessment, counseling, and care coordination for children of families with low income. Treatment includes collaboration regarding medication evaluation and management with primary care physicians, psychiatrists, and community clinicians. The clinic also provides parent education, behavior management classes, school consultation, and parent/teacher education.

Child Development Clinic – the University of Washington has been operating since 1965 and serves approximately 200 children each year. Each child visits the clinic one to three times during the year and is served by multiple clinicians at each visit. About 80% of clients seen at this clinic are less than nine years of age. Over 50% of children served are insured by Medicaid.

Clients are diagnosed with an array of developmental disabilities including intellectual disability, autism spectrum disorders, motor disabilities, learning disabilities, behavioral disorders, communication disorders, and attention-deficit hyperactivity disorder.


Catholic Community Services of Western Washington

Services and locations

Low cost Parenting classes and counseling available at some locations


Hope Sparks – Tin Can Alley in downtown Tacoma

Offers core behavioral health programs – Counseling, parent education and family support


Please help complete these resources. These are what I had saved in my files from 3 years ago with updated links.  Leave a comment if you know of other organizations and services that pertain to ADHD.


Lower Prescription Medication Costs

Medication Enter Key- renjith krishnan-FDP

Articles – Patient Assistance Programs

Best Buys on ADHD Stimulant Medications – (According to Consumer Reports)

Insider tips on lowering ADHD costs (Link works) by getting your insurance company to pay for medication, treatment, and other therapies by Jane Lehto

Reduce ADHD Costs with Patient Assistant Programs by Kimberly Holland
Find retail prices for the brand name and generic versions of Adderall and other popular ADHD medications. (Be sure to compare costs with your local pharmacies.) Try other cost-saving techniques, such as mail-order prescriptions and coupons.

A comprehensive collection of sources for help with medication costs – Post on Psych Central Forums. (Link doesn’t work, but copy and pasting the URL does) – Repeats some of the sources listed below but provides additional ideas especially about generic medications. (URL: https://psychcentralforums.com/insurance-and-finances/153805-free-low-price-prescriptions.html#post1481620)

Help from Pharmaceutical Companies – Patient Assistance Programs

Eligibility varies program by program. Generally, individuals must have incomes under 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, cannot have prescription coverage from any public or private source and must be a U.S. resident or citizen. Some companies also require that the patient has no health insurance (including Medicare).

Note: These are non-profit sites and do not charge you for their help.

RX Hope has program descriptions and downloadable applications for prescription assistance programs for specific medications including psychotropic medications

Needy Meds – Just enter the name of your medication in the Drug Search box in the upper right corner.

RxAssist – Offers access to PHARMA programs for both doctors and consumers (877) 844-8442 – Copy and paste: https://www.rxassist.org/

Note: IF you need Vyvanse or Intuniv, Shire Care’s income criteria is significantly higher than the less than the 2x the poverty level required by most Pharma programs. You still need to provide proof of hardship however. Each application will be considered on a case by case basis. See Shire Care for more information and to apply.

Monthly paperwork for stimulant medications too much for you to deal with?
For a small fee, The Medicine Program.com will help you with applying for PHARMA programs and enlisting your physician’s help. – P.O. Box 520 – Doniphan, MO 63935-0520 – (573) 996-7300

Return to: ADHD Treatment: Money Matters

• “Image courtesy of renjith krishnan/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net”

ADHD Treatment: Money Matters

Money Matters

This article is part of the series: Find Treatment and Support. You may want to start there.

Money Matters – The Affordable Health Care Act and Mental Health – Find Health Insurance – Low-Income Help – Social Security Income and Social Security Disability

Need help paying for medication?
See: Lower costs for Prescription Medications

Money matters

The Cost of Not Treating ADHD by Steven Kurtz – “We’re already paying the cost, and our kids are too.” “Many kids with ADHD, and other conditions, just find their problems compounding as they get older. And they are less and less responsive to treatment. Kids with untreated ADHD often become adults with untreated ADHD, and with that comes a whole host of adult-sized problems.”

How much does it cost to test for ADHD? Consumer Reports – $700 to $1600 was the average assessment cost. – “About one-third of the parents in the survey reported that the costs of treating their child for ADHD were covered completely by their child’s health plan, with two-thirds of respondents reporting half to all treatment costs were covered by insurance.”

Managing the Costs of ADHD (See link below) – by Chris Taylor – “Many parents are caught in a financial vise. They want to spend whatever it takes to ensure a successful future for their child but don’t want to bankrupt the family. Some tips: Work the public school system, be an insurance Ninja,  and plan your budget early.” Find article in the Internet archives – The Wayback Machine – https://web.archive.org/web/20120623070853/https://www.reuters.com/article/2012/06/22/us-adhd-costs-idUSBRE85L0Z020120622 

Lowering ADHD Costs: Health Insurance and Treatment Help by Jane Lehto (Link works) “Insider tips on lowering ADHD costs by getting your insurance company to pay for medication, treatment, and other therapies.”

ADHD Treatment Costs: The Struggle to Afford Meds and Therapy – Survey of over 600 ADDitude Magazine readers


The Affordable Health Care Act and Mental Health

The Affordable Care Act has new regulations to make sure that mental health treatment is covered to the same extent as physical care. Therapies for depression, anxiety, and substance abuse — which often come along with ADHD — are among a core set of 10 services called “essential health benefits” that must be covered with no out-of-pocket limit. Included in these are prescription medications, which are usually a major component of ADHD treatment. Knowing that a pre-existing condition won’t exclude you from getting affordable insurance is also a bonus. So is the option of keeping children on their parents’ policies until they’re 26. (1)

Before health reform, one out of five people who bought their own insurance had no mental health benefits. This change is long overdue. One drawback may be that by placing the primary care physician is at the center of treatment, Doctors may decide to treat ADHD themselves by just prescribing medication, rather than referring to a specialist. With the high rate of mental health issues and Learning Disabilities so commonly associated with ADHD, however, a complete diagnosis and a holistic treatment plan may be beyond the expertise of primary providers. (2) They may not appreciate the value of parent training to managing behavior or family therapy to educate and help all members of the family.

The news for low-income families is not as good. “In 2012, the Supreme Court gave states the choice of whether to join the Medicaid expansion or not. Unfortunately, almost half of the states have decided not to do so. That means that 6 to 7 million Americans won’t enjoy this enhanced access.”(3) Even with Medicaid, finding a physician will be difficult. “Under the present Medicaid reimbursement rates, physicians are paid only about $45.00 for a basic visit, while $75 per visit is the break-even point for most private practices. So the physician has to take a $30 loss for every Medicaid patient that he or she sees and has increased paperwork to even get the reimbursement.” (4)

Find Health Insurance

Find Health Insurance at HealthCare.gov – (Link works)You may qualify for Medicaid or lower subsidized rates.

Find Insurance for young adults – (Link works.) May be covered under parents’ plans or be subsidized.

Enroll in Medicaid (Link works) or (https://www.healthcare.gov/medicaid-chip/getting-medicaid-chip/)
Are you eligible for the Children’s Health Insurance Program (CHIP – Link works) Note: Make sure to enter your state for correct information.

Low-Income Help

Find low cost and or government-sponsored clinics
– Nationwide
A searchable directory of mental health treatment facilities and support services from SAMHSA.gov

Alternatively, let your fingers do the walking. Check the Community Pages in your local phone book under Mental Health for local federally funded clinics. They accept Medicaid, Medicare, most insurances and will adjust their rate according to your income. (Note: Some areas do not consider adults with ADHD (alone) as qualified for treatment. Others will treat if it’s in combination with another mental disease or disorder). Children’s clinics, however, deal with ADHD concerns on a regular basis.

Or, use Google. I had good results using the words community mental health with city, county, and/or state

The Department of Vocational Rehabilitation is another possible way to go. You do, however, have to prove you are not employable or under-employed due to your ADHD or combination of disabilities. I know quite a few people who got a lot of help through DVR a number of years ago (including paying for a diagnosis for ADHD,) but their funding has been hit. – Find your state’s Voc-Rehab services

Clinical trials don’t cost a thing and you may even be reimbursed for your time.
(There’s no guarantee you’ll get the drug being tested, but you can often get a free evaluation for ADHD.) For a listing of current studies, see the National Institute of Mental Health.

2-1-1 is an Information and Referral service to help people connect with important community services and help them find help in their community more easily. Call 2-1-1 or Search for a 2-1-1 Call Center. Available in many states, 2-1-1 can help you find organizations that may assist with a broad range of needs. You may find help paying for medications or financial assistance with other essential needs such as food, clothing, rent and utility assistance, child care, employment supports, services for older adults, etc.

Social Security Income and Social Security Disability Income

Supplemental Security Income, or SSI, provides monthly income for those who cannot work due to a disability such as depression, bipolar disorder or other mental disorders. You must meet strict eligibility criteria to qualify.

The basics of SSDI – “Social Security Disability Insurance (SSDI) is available to any worker who has a “disability” as defined by the federal government and who has paid into the Social Security system for a specified amount of time, depending on their age. In order to qualify as “disabled,” an SSDI applicant must show that he is almost completely unable to work at any job whatsoever.”

Apply for SSDI

Social Security Disability and ADHD (link works) – This article focuses primarily on children. – They need to show a MARKED inability to succeed in school and strong documentation is required. For adults: Adults must be unable to earn more than $960 per month gross (with that inability also caused by MARKED impairments. Most importantly, to win disability benefits from the Social Security Administration based on attention deficit, or ADHD, a person must have measurable functional deficits, in the context of school or work performance. (URL: https://www.disabilitysecrets.com/adhd-attention-deficit-social-security-disability.html)

SSI / SSDI Outreach, Access and Recovery – SOAR

Help for the homeless with mental illnesses, a process where eligible individuals can have their disability case expedited. SOAR’s online training course (Link works – Or copy and paste) https://soarworks.samhsa.gov/ is about 16 hours long, but it leads you through all the steps to help clients apply for SSI or SSDI. – To be eligible you must be at least 18, diagnosed with a serious mental illness as well as homeless or at risk of becoming homeless. The SOAR process is designed to have a decision for disability claims within 90 days.

• “Image courtesy of Luigi/FreeDigitalPhotos.net” Modified on Canva.com


(1) “The Affordable Care Act: Good for ADHDers”
by Katherine Ellison – www.additudemag.com/adhdblogs/19/10545.html
(2) “An Update on How the U.S. Affordable Care Act Impacts Mental Health Care”
By John M. Grohol, PSY.D. – http://psychcentral.com/blog/archives/2013/11/01/an-update-on-how-the-u-s-affordable-care-act-impacts-mental-health-care/
(3) “Affordable Care Act : Will It Impact Your ADHD Child’s Treatment?” http://newideas.net/adhd-affordable-care-act-impact
(4) “One of the Best Things to Happen to People With ADHD? Obamacare” by Dennis Thompson Jr. http://www.everydayhealth.com/news/obamacare-best-thing-happen-people-with-adhd/

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