Lower Prescription Medication Costs

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Articles – Patient Assistance Programs

Best Buys on ADHD Stimulant Medications – (According to Consumer Reports)

Insider tips on lowering ADHD costs (Link works) by getting your insurance company to pay for medication, treatment, and other therapies by Jane Lehto

Reduce ADHD Costs with Patient Assistant Programs by Kimberly Holland
Find retail prices for the brand name and generic versions of Adderall and other popular ADHD medications. (Be sure to compare costs with your local pharmacies.) Try other cost-saving techniques, such as mail-order prescriptions and coupons.

A comprehensive collection of sources for help with medication costs – Post on Psych Central Forums. (Link doesn’t work, but copy and pasting the URL does) – Repeats some of the sources listed below but provides additional ideas especially about generic medications. (URL: https://psychcentralforums.com/insurance-and-finances/153805-free-low-price-prescriptions.html#post1481620)

Help from Pharmaceutical Companies – Patient Assistance Programs

Eligibility varies program by program. Generally, individuals must have incomes under 200% of the Federal Poverty Level, cannot have prescription coverage from any public or private source and must be a U.S. resident or citizen. Some companies also require that the patient has no health insurance (including Medicare).

Note: These are non-profit sites and do not charge you for their help.

RX Hope has program descriptions and downloadable applications for prescription assistance programs for specific medications including psychotropic medications

Needy Meds – Just enter the name of your medication in the Drug Search box in the upper right corner.

RxAssist – Offers access to PHARMA programs for both doctors and consumers (877) 844-8442 – Copy and paste: https://www.rxassist.org/

Note: IF you need Vyvanse or Intuniv, Shire Care’s income criteria is significantly higher than the less than the 2x the poverty level required by most Pharma programs. You still need to provide proof of hardship however. Each application will be considered on a case by case basis. See Shire Care for more information and to apply.

Monthly paperwork for stimulant medications too much for you to deal with?
For a small fee, The Medicine Program.com will help you with applying for PHARMA programs and enlisting your physician’s help. – P.O. Box 520 – Doniphan, MO 63935-0520 – (573) 996-7300

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• “Image courtesy of renjith krishnan/ FreeDigitalPhotos.net”