Find an Organizer

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I love clutter

This article is part of the series: Find Treatment and Support. You may want to start there.

What to look for – Try a Local search – Online Directories – Hoarding – FREEBIES and For Professionals

It is not uncommon for someone with ADHD to be overwhelmed by a chronic lack of organization of their space and poor time management skills. At some time, it may be necessary to call in an organizer. Most can help with both issues. Traditional organizing techniques, however, often need to be adjusted when working with clients with ADHD. Most of us know what to do, but struggle to initiate action, evaluate the importance of our stuff and begin to de-clutter our space.

Organizing what is left so you can find it later is problematic and keeping everything in its place an on-going chore. You’ll need to develop and refine new organizing systems. Maintaining your organized environment will probably not come naturally. Creating new habits takes time and you may need additional help to keep things up. Remember, the goal is NOT perfection. Getting through the day with less frustration and being able to accomplish your work more efficiently is good enough.

Choose your organizer carefully and move on if you are feeling judged or shamed. Most organizers have worked with ADHD clients. Some have developed successful techniques that work with our wiring or even pursued specialized training through the Institute for Chronic Disorganization. Make sure that there is a good “fit” between you. Ideally, you will find one who is sensitive enough to your needs, but firm enough to do you some good.

Local Search
: Another problem with finding a suitable organizer is, of course, that they work locally. You may need to let your fingers do the walking in your local Yellow Pages under organizers. Also, try a Google or Bing search. Whoever you contact, ask them questions about their expertise and what their experience in working with clients with ADHD has been like. If you can, try an introductory meeting.

There are also online directories that can help you find an appropriate organizer.

National Association of Professional Organizers Directory  Choose # 3- Optional – Special Populations – ADHD

The Institute for Chronic Disorganization trains organizers and awards certificates for different degrees of training. They maintain a List of Graduates.

You might get lucky using ADHD Directories. Many will contain a few listings

Note: Hoarding issues signal a need for specialized treatment, and often require both therapy and a highly skilled organizer. See the IOCDF Hoarding Center for photos on different stages of hoarding. Compare these with the state of your home. You can also find providers to work with you here. You may also assess your stage of clutter by choosing from the Clutter-Hoarding Scales from the Institute for Challenging Disorganization. (Please donate.)  You can also find highly trained professional organizers who work with hoarding there.


Free Fact Sheets for the general public on a wide variety of issues from Challenging Disorganization. Includes Time Management, Overcoming Procrastination, Readiness for Change, Should I Work with an Organizer or a Friend and more!

For Professionals

Institute for Challenging Disorganization offers specialized information for Professional Organizers. Fact Sheets, Reading Recommendations, Family Organization Modules and more. They also provide training and certification for helping clients with Chronic Disorganization. Also see their Clutter Hoarding Scales. (Please donate.)

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