Sponsored by ADD Resources – 1995 to 2011

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0 1 Talks, Workshops

Collage by Cynthia Hammer – Modified on Canva.com

ADD Resources can rightfully be proud of the many events they have sponsored through the years. Funding a nonprofit while fulfilling its mission is a constant struggle. Today, a good social media campaign can deliver a good return for little manpower. Webinars and Virtual conferences can reach more people with less effort and far smaller monetary outlay. But, nothing can beat the experience of connecting on a personal level. Despite the increased demands, the reward is great. Money is necessary to keep an organization alive, but so are the connections and camaraderie of working together.

When ADD Resources first starting sponsoring educational events in 1995, it required the combined efforts of many groups and volunteers. We would conceive and lead in the execution of a proposed talk, workshop or conference, but co-hosted with other non-profits in return for their help. We depended on WA PAVE to manage the ticket sales, co-hosted with LDA of WA for their insurance, and had CHADD Northwest help promote it. We used volunteers as “slave” labor to fold and address flyers. Our mailing parties were legendary, but also a great opportunity to talk.

By 2004, much of this could be accomplished online with a bit of technical knowledge. We always needed volunteers though. We depended on Board members and volunteers to man the events. We even catered the events ourselves. As we found out when moving events to ritzier venues, every volunteer’s efforts had helped to bring in a positive cash flow. By 2006, we were also providing support and education through Webinars and podcasts. They serve a valuable need, but here is power in coming together in person that I hope will not be lost to expediency.

Conferences and Workshops Sponsored by ADD Resources

Event TitlePresentationAudience SizePresenterYear
Attention Deficit DisorderPublic Talk300Edward Hallowell, MD1995
Attention Deficit DisorderPublic Talk200Edward Hallowell1995
Attention Deficit DisorderProf. Workshop55Edward Hallowell1995
Windows into ADD MindPublic Talk300Daniel Amen. MD1996
Windows into ADD MindPublic Talk250Daniel Amen1996
Diagnosing & Treating ADD in Children, Adolescents & AdultsProf. Workshop
Tacoma, WA
700Daniel Amen1996
Attention Deficit DisorderPublic Talk300Wendy Richardson, MA, LMFCC1997
Attention Deficit DisorderPublic Talk200Wendy Richardson1997
The Link Between ADDisorder & AddictionsProf. Workshop60Wendy Richardson1997
ADD Through the LifespanPublic Talk200Thomas Phelan, PhD1998
ADD Through the LifespanPublic Talk250Thomas Phelan1998
Diagnosing & Treating ADD in AdultProf. Workshop200Thomas Phelan1998
Disciplining the Difficult ChildParent/Teacher Workshop250Thomas Phelan1998
ADHD in the BedroomPublic Talk50Kate Kelly, MSN1999
Non-Traditional Strategies for Time Management and Personal EffectivenessPublic Workshop
Tacoma, WA
75Jan Thomas, M.A.1999
The ADD Marriage: Is This as Good as It Gets?Public Workshop
Tacoma, WA
60Carol Flannigan, M.S.W.
Nancy Holm, M.A.
Women & ADD-Double JeopardyPublic Talk
Tukwila, WA
200Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D.1999
Women & ADD-Double JeopardyPublic Talk
Tacoma, WA
150Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D.1999
Develop and Implement Coping Strategies for Adults with ADDProfessional Workshop
Tacoma, WA
50Kathleen Nadeau, Ph.D.1999
ADD/ADHDPublic Talk300Daniel Amen, M.D.2000
Professional and Peer CoachingPublic Workshop
Tacoma, WA
75Lisa Poast and Bernie Feldman, ADD coaches2000
Windows into the ADD MindPublic Talk
Seattle, WA
300Daniel Amen. M.D.2001
Diagnosing and Treating ADD in Children, Adolescents and AdultsProfessional Workshop
Seattle, WA
250Daniel Amen. M.D.2001
Diagnosing and Treating ADD in Children, Adolescents and AdultsProfessional Workshop
Tacoma, WA
200Daniel Amen. M.D.2001
ADD in AdolescencePublic Workshop
Bellevue, WA
75Cynthia Hammer, MSW, Ted Mandelkorn, MD, Cyd Imel, MA2002
Healing ADDPublic Talk
Tacoma, WA
200Daniel Amen, M.D.2002
Healing ADDPublic Talk200Daniel Amen, M.D.2002
Healing ADDProf. Workshop
Tukwila, WA
350Daniel Amen, M.D.2002
1st Annual Managing ADHD in the ClassroomTeachers’ Workshop
Bellevue, WA
150Ted Mandelkorn, MD
Judie Bilderback, MA
Master’s Class for ADHD CliniciansProfessional Workshop
Bellevue, WA
50Greg Hipskind,M.D.
Ted Mandelkorn, M.D.
Carol Flannigan, MSW
Don Baker M.A.
Brian O’Conner, M.A.
1st Annual ADHD conferencePublic/Professionals
Tukwila, WA
200Daniel Amen, M.D.
Sam Goldstein, Ph.D.
2nd annual Managing ADHD in the ClassroomTeachers’ Workshop
Bellevue, WA
150Ted Mandelkorn, MD
Judie Bilderback, MA
Journeys Through ADDulthoodPublic Talk
Bellevue, WA
165Sari Solden, M.A.2004
Renewal RetreatWomen with ADD
Issaquah, WA
33Sari Solden, M.A.
Hope Langner, MCC
Event for National ADHD Awareness DayPublic event
Seattle, WA
250Patti Quinn, M.D.
Michelle Novotni, Ph.D.
David Giwerc, MCC
2nd annual ADHD conferencePublic/Professionals
Tukwila, WA
390Edward Hallowell, M.D.
Kathleen Nadeau, PhD
3rd Annual Managing ADHD in the ClassroomTeachers’ Workshop
Tacoma, WA
150Ted Mandelkorn, MD
Judie Bilderback, MA
1st Annual ADHD in the Workplace WorkshopPublic workshop
Tacoma, WA
55Nancie Payne, M.S.
Don Baker, M.A.
Nancy Holm, M.A.
Pete Terlaak, PCC
Miriam Reiss, M.A.
Healing ADDPublic Talk250Daniel Amen, M.D.2005
3rd annual ADHD conferencePublic/Professionals
Tukwila, WA
290John Ratey, M.D.
Angela Tzelepsis, PhD
4th Annual Managing ADHD in the ClassroomTeachers’ Workshop
Tacoma, WA
80Ted Mandelkorn, MD,
Judy Anderson, M.A.
Jim Rich, M.A.
January, 2006
1st annual ADHD conference for
parents, young adults & professionals
Tukwila, WA
390Peter Jenkins, M.D.
Chris Zeigler-Dendy, M.A.
March, 2006
2nd Annual ADHD in the Workplace WorkshopPublic workshop
Des Moines, WA
55Nancie Payne, M.S.
Don Baker, M.A.
Nancy Holm, M.A.
May, 2006
4th annual ADHD conferencePublic/Professionals
Tukwila, WA
185Bill Dodson, M.D.
Gabor Mate’ M.D..
October 7-8, 2006
Understanding ADD and ADHD: Keys to School SuccessTeachers Workshop
Bellevue, WA
120Chris Zeigler Dendy, MA
Ted Mandelkorn, MD
October 13, 2006
5th Annual Managing ADHD in the ClassroomTeachers’ Workshop
Highline, WA
60Ted Mandelkorn, MD,
Judy Anderson, M.A.
January, 2007
5th Annual ADHD conference for
parents and
Tukwila, WA
180Thomas Phelan, Ph.D.
Sam Goldstein, Ph.D.
March 3-4, 2007
Healing ADDPublic Talk
Seattle, WA
180Daniel Amen, M.D.April, 2007
6th Annual: ADHD: What Is Someone with this Diagnosis Doing in Your Caseload?ADHD All-Day Workshop
Seattle, WA
70Daniel Amen, M.D.April, 2007
7th Annual: Solving the Puzzle of ADHD – Annual Fall ConferencePublic/Professionals, Seattle, WA 100 William Dodsen, MDNovember 2008
Strategies for School Success Educators/Parents Workshop 120 Chris Zeigler DendyApril 2009
Making a Good Brain Great Evening Event 50 Daniel Amen, MDMay 2009
8th Anual: Acceptance is Empowering Fall Conference Public/Professional Bellevue, WA 250 Ari Tuckman, PsyD, MBA, Gina PeraNovember 2009
 ReTool Your Classroom Educators Workshop Renton, WA 60 Sandra Rief, MA February 2010
 9th Annual: Healing the Scattered Mind Public/Professional Bellevue, WA 200 Gabor Mate, MD, Nancy Ratey, MCC October 2010
 ReTool Your Classroom Educators Workshop Portland, OR 30 Sandra Rief, MA November 2010
 Creating Capable Effectual Learners Educators Workshop Renton, WA 50 Silvia DeRuvo March 2011
 10th Annual Fall Conference Public/Professional Bellevue, WA ???? Rick Green October 2011