ADHD Experts Speak.
Watch and learn.
Dr. Russell Barkley on ADHD Meds and how they all work differently (7-minutes)
This is How you Treat ADHD based on Science – Russell Barkley, Ph.D. – 13-minute clip with powerpoint plus access to the entire 2 1/2-hour lecture for the 2012 Burnett Lecture series at Chapel Hill University
“Understanding Emotions & Motivations in High School and College Students with ADHD/LD” With Dr. Thomas E. Brown for the 13th Annual Timothy B. and Jane A Burnett Seminar for Academic Achievement (2014) Parts 1, 2 and 3 with Q&A
Can’t attend an ADHD conference? You can still learn about ADHD from experts in the field. Best of all, you can view them on your own time and for no charge.
*Best of the Web –2009 and 2010 CADDAC Conferences videos- Look under Educational videos to choose the clips that are most applicable to your needs. A wonderful gift from – The Centre for ADD/ADHD Advocacy of Canada- (CADDAC) Choose from a number of presentations filmed over both days.
The 30 Essential Ideas Every Parent Needs to Know (about ADHD), by Dr. Russell Barkley
This is the 3-hour video presentation from the CADDAC conference (found above), broken up into 27 manageable parts with an average length of 6 to 7 minutes. It’s far easier to watch. To take a saying from Barkley, “Small Chunks, Frequent Breaks.”
ADHD Neurology and Genetic Research 6 short videos with Professor Philip Shaw from NIH (National Institute of Health) DNA Learning center series – Makes difficult concepts more readily understandable.
You, Me and Adult ADD with Gina Pera – 7clips containing Gina’s talk for CADDRA’s 2009 Conference. Find on ADHD Rollercoaster’sYouTube Channel
Classroom Interventions for ADHD Video with Russell Barkley (3 ½ minutes)
ADHD: Undiagnosed in Millions, Do You Have it? (4 minutes) Alan Brown gives us a call to action to be advocates to bring awareness and attention to ADHD so individuals do not fall through the cracks and have the safety net they need to succeed.
Dr. Russell Barkley’s Continuing Education Courses and Videos 35 hours of lectures on ADHD at ADHDLectures.coms. Available for Free viewing in Spanish.
Dr. Charles Parker’s ADHD Medication Tutorials (Link works) 8 short videos by Dr. Charles Parker – about a ½ hour in total – Matching Article: Finding the Therapeutic Window *TOP tips – Open a regular dialogue with your patients and measure the effectiveness of the medications. See his YouTube channel (Link works)
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Many thanks for including these links to my videos over on YouTube. Once understood these common sense strategies discussed with your medical team will help dial treatments in for more predictable results.
For a complimentary 25 page Special Report on Predictable Solutions for ADHD Medications see this link as well:
Much appreciation!
Markers matter.
Thanks for sharing your work Dr. Parker,
I also posted a link to this collection of free material on Pinterest – Medication – a Viable Treatment. See: