ADHD Screening Evaluation Forms

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Return to ADHD Screening Tests

Other tests include:

Online ADHD Tests

Response to Treatment Rating Scales – Children and adults

FREE Professional ADHD Assessment Forms – Children and adults

Screening Evaluation Forms (Print out and score yourself)

For Parents and Teachers

SNAP IV – 18 questions – Teacher and Parent Rating Scale by James Swanson, Ph.D. (Link works – Or copy and paste

Vanderbilt Assessment Scale 10 page PDF

  • Includes Parent Informant form – 55 questions
  • Teacher Informant form- 55 questions
  • Scoring information
  • and Assessment Follow-up

NICHQ Vanderbilt Assessment Follow-up For teachers – Easy to fill out online, print out, or email results to provider- Use Zero as a circle. 18 questions plus 8 questions evaluating performance.

SWAN Strengths – 18-question rating scale – Strengths and Weaknesses of ADHD Symptoms and Normal Behavior include positive “weaknesses” and negative “strengths” scoring, assessing symptoms of Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder. Parents are asked to compare their child’s behavior in a variety of settings over the past month to other children on a 7-point: 3-Far below, 2-Below, 1-Slightly below, 0-Average, -1-Slightly average, -2-Above, -3-Far above. Higher scores indicate greater symptomology.

Child and Teen ADHD rating scale IV (home version)
• ADHD rating scale IV (school version)
• ADHD rating scale IV (self-report version) – All have 18 questions

ADD (ADHD) Self-report Questionnaire for Teenage/College-age Girls – PDF page 1 – 15 questions – Kathleen G. Nadeau, Ph.D., and Patricia Quinn, M.D.

The Ultimate ADHD Test for Teens – ADDitude Magazine reports on yet another questionnaire by Kathleen Nadeau and Patricia Quinn


Evaluation Forms For Adults (Print out)

6 Questions for recognizing ADHD in AdultsProposed version of the WHO Adult ADHD Self-Report screener listed below. Developed in 2017 by researchers to include non-DSM-5 questions that relate to Executive Functions.  Free Printable 

Adult ADHD Self-Report Scales (ASRS-V 1.1) Printable 6 question Screener. Developed in conjunction with the World Health Organization (WHO), and the Workgroup on Adult ADHD at Harvard University –  Quick and easy tests screen for ADHD symptoms in adults.  The ASRS-V Screeners are also available in over 20 languages through Harvard’s website. *Adult ADHD Self-Report – 6 Questions with online scoring *

Symptom Tracker – Discussion Guide for Children and Adults – Vyvanse

Self-test for Women: Do I have ADHD – PDF: Compilation of other women’s rating forms – Print out to share with your Doctor

Womens’ ADHD Self-assessment symptom inventory – 8-page questionnaire with a comprehensive overview of childhood and adult symptoms and areas of impairment. Kathleen Nadeau and Patricia Quinn from Understanding Women with ADHD: Advantage books; 2002.



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