My experience

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My Experience

  • 1996 – Joined ADD’s support group in Tacoma, WA. Began my education in ADHD using the substantial lending library of books, audiotapes, and videotapes.
  • Served on the Board of Directors from 1996 to 2003.
  • Worked part-time at the office between 2002 and 2007. Provided information, support and access to resources about ADHD for individuals and concerned professionals through email and phone support. Listened to CHADD and ADDA conferences on tape and read at least something from every book that we sold.  Managed and hosted support groups and other educational events as well as attending to office duties.
  • From 2009 to 2013, served as a volunteer updating and editing the website to increase our ability to provide access to needed services – Solicited new material for the site with an emphasis on developing the Web Resources Collection – Produced the monthly Newsletter for two years.
  • Awards: Volunteer of the Year for ADD Resources in 2003 and 2010.
  • In 2013, began the Pinterest site, ADDfreeSources, offering credible information on Attention Deficit Disorder and related topics. For the curious, individuals impacted by ADHD, their families, and other concerned parties, ADDfreeSources follows the changing paradigm of ADHD as a chronic and complicated disorder. The site addresses diagnosis, emotional and life management issues as well as the need for personalized strength-based treatment plans.
  • Started this site, ADD, in 2014. Our first pages featured resource collections that were no longer posted by ADD Resources.
  • In 2015, I opened a Facebook page featuring 50 of my Boards from Pinterest.

Note: Discover more about ADD in my article: Twenty Years a Fan. I also created a memorial of sorts after the organization closed its doors in 2016.

ADHD Newsletter - Love, Acceptance and RespectIn Memory of ADD Resources