What is ADHD? What are the symptoms and What can we do About it? – Introductory Videos


The ADHD Song: ADHD Symptoms Dr. C. Elwood and Friends. (1 minute) (See all of Dr. Candelwood’s videos at adhd1.net

Dr. Fox News: ADHD and Impairment Poem (1 minute)

ADHD and Executive Functions from Childmind Institute with Charles Barkley, Ph.D. (1 minute)

ADHD Help for Families From psychologist and puppeteer, Dr. Candelwood – Going over the assessment report- Introduction to the history of ADHD, examines common myths and offers a few quick tips for parents. (4 1/2 minutes)

Let Me Be Your Camera – Understanding ADHD and Executive Function What happens on a movie set when the director keeps falling asleep? (2 1/2 minutes)

“Does my child have ADHD?” (4 minutes) – NIMH Video on signs, symptoms and research. (Includes transcript of the interview)

AD/HD – Separating Fact from Fiction Dr. Sheldon H. Horowitz debunks common myths about ADHD and shares the essential facts that every parent, educator and individual with ADHD should know. (8 1/2 minutes)

ADHD Explained with Ben Glenn – Humorous, yet positive take on being “special”, dyslexic and having ADHD. (8 minutes worth of fun and insights)

How the Symptoms of ADHD Change with Age
by Dr. Jeffrey Halperin, a psychologist at New York’s Queens College and Mount Sinai School of Medicine (2 minutes)

ADHD causes Oppositional Defiance Disorder (ODD) – Emotional impulsiveness, and relationship problems (4 ½ minutes with Russell Barkley, Ph.D )

Good Introductory Videos! Web Md’s Video section – Copy and paste – http://www.webmd.com/video/diagnosing-adhd – Most run about 2 to 3 minutes- Cover both Children and Adults.

A Mind Like Mine A mother’s desperate search over a 10 year period to find help for her son who is ADD. Faced with poor public support and limited professional resources, it is an intimate look into the difficulties all parents in this situation have to struggle with. For this mother, the film maker, it is a surprising journey into her own mind as well as her son’s. (Scroll down the page to find. 60 minutes)