ADD FreeSources enews: Understand what Ignites your Energy

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Focus on what ignites your heart and your positive energy.August 2018 Newsletter

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Focus on what ignites your heart and your positive energy.

“When you focus on what ignites your heart and your positive energy, you will always be able to self-regulate.” ~ David Giwerc



Welcome to mid-summer,

The heat has driven me out of my attic office. I’m trying to work standing up in the kitchen or sitting on the bed with my “lap” top because I have no clear table space. (Disclaimer: Most of it is my husband’s stuff, but my printer and other computer hardware sit right in the middle of the desk.)

I miss my quiet hideaway with my own workspace.  I want to get outside, find some shade and a breeze and loaf the day away, preferably with a good book. In short, I want to do anything but put together a newsletter. But I have some great articles to share and my sister has signed up for the newsletter. Now, THAT’S incentive.

We’re lucky to have two powerful articles from LuAnn Pierce, LCSW.this month.  Adult ADHD: Soft Signs and Related Issues covers less well-known signs and symptoms that signal ADHD. ADHD Success at College and Work. helps us understand how ADHD presents in adults as well as the environments where ADHD symptoms flourish and how it can be controlled. LuAnn caps it all off with a number of great strategies for adults with ADHD.

The ADHD Kids Page can keep your kids entertained this summer and we have four articles you may not have seen before to help prepare for back to school.

We also have two interesting videos appropriate for both children AND adults – Dare to Dream and The Learning Brain.

Upcoming Events you may be interested in:


To fill in the bare bones of this enews,  Finish the newsletter here>>> 


That’s enough for now.  Enjoy the last days of summer and stay cool.

Joan Jager


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