ADD freeSources: ADHD Kids Page

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Kids have questions too. Things to read, do and watch for the younger crowd.Things to read
Things to do
Things to Watch
More Reading
Pinterest Boards for Kids

What is ADHD? – An illustrated article for kids  by Peter Jaksa, PhD

Kids Like Me with ADD – Illustrated articles: School and Me, Friends and Me, Cool stuff about ADHD, and Medicine and Me and ADHD –  by Peter Jaksa, PhD

Things to do

Kids Health- ADHD section–   Search for ADHD – Choose your audience, Parents, Kid, or Teens –

Fin, Fur and Feather Bureau of Investigation – Set of internet-based games ideal for kids with ADHD. Each game is designed to teach useful skills and strategies while continually encouraging players to complete increasingly difficult tasks. To increase interest, the FFFBI Academy uses a humorous spy theme and frequent reinforcements for successful gameplay. Funded by the U.S. Department of Education.

Self Esteem Games – Designed to help you practice certain habits of thought, and they may be difficult at first. These games are offered here for educational, demonstration, and entertainment purposes only. Have fun trying them out!

VIA Youth Survey – Ages 10 to 17  – Explore your strengths. Measures 24 Character Strengths for Children

Things to Watch 

Flynn Pharma ADHD Explainer – For children ages 6 to 12. (3 1/2-minute video) Metaphors, such as a postman delivering letters as messages between brain cells, can help this age group better understand the condition.

From – Dr. C and Friends – Psychologist/puppeteer Dr. Candelwood –

The ADHD Song – Dr. C and Elwood – 1-minute

ADHD and “Avatar” – Not a fidgety kid in the theater! – 1-minute

Dr. Fox News- ADHD and Impairment – 1-minute poem from Dr. C

ADHD and Me” brings research interviews with children to (animated) life. The ADHD VOICES study investigated children’s experiences with ADHD; about how ADHD feels, problems understanding the diagnosis, different treatments, stigma and the kinds of support that can help. – This 18-minute video is ideal for talking to your children about ADHD and involving them in treatment discussions. Watch it in shorter clips on their YouTube channel.

HARRY POTTER has ADHD? (2-minute parody)

What are Learning Disabilities? – 4-minute animated explanation for 5 to 8-year-olds

The Learning Brain – 7-minute video on how the brain works. Ages 10 and up

More Reading 

Zebra Stripes for ADHD- an e-zine – Follow the adventures of Joey, the zebra without stripes, and learn how to live with ADHD –  How-to tips, the latest news from the ADD – ADHD world, and stories to understand the complex world of Attention Deficit and/or Hyperactivity Disorder. From  ADD Coach, Sara Jane Keyser. 

Kids Pages  for kids and teens on a number of mental health issues. Includes ‘A Kid in my Class has ADD,’ ‘When your Mom or Dad have ADD,’ and ‘I am different, but you may not know.’ For and about children from 6 to 16. Northern County Psychiatric Associates
Follow ADHD / ADD freeSources’ board For and about Kids with ADHD on Pinterest.

Follow ADHD / ADD freeSources’ board Fun for Kids on Pinterest.

Follow ADHD / ADD freeSources’ board School Strategies for ADHD on Pinterest.

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