You’re Not Doing Life Wrong

1 You're notBy Leo Babauta

There’s an ever-present underlying feeling that most of us have that we could be doing things better. That we’re not sure how to live life. That we’re doing things wrong.

This leads us to try to optimize, to try to improve, but also to feel bad, to seek comfort and distraction, to procrastinate while we seek the answers. This is normal and there’s nothing wrong with it.

But I’d like to assure you that you’re doing nothing wrong. That you don’t need to optimize or do things better.

Try this:

For just a moment, pause where you are, and soak in the current state of the room around you, and your own state. Just notice what this is like.

Now see how this moment is enough. Just as it is. Without any need for improvement. It is a wonder, and there’s no need for more.

Now see how you are enough. Just as you are. Without any need for improvement. You are also a wonder, exactly enough.

You can go about your day, pausing every now and then to do a check: is this moment enough? Are you enough? And try answering, “Yes, absolutely and wonderfully.”



Originally published on ZenHabits by Leo Babauta, who allows others to freely use his work. Thank you, Leo

Editors note: Start from enough. Better may or may not follow. Live with that for awhile. Let that be enough too.


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