Tis the Season: ADHD Style!  

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Tips for a happier, less stressful holiday season.December Newsletter


Welcome to Winter,

For this time of celebration, my focus is on strategies for the holiday season, gratitude and forgiveness, organizing advice and sharing recent research on the ADHD brain.  We also have a few videos and list ADD freeSources’ Pinterest pages that further expand on these topics.

How are you doing getting ready this month? Are you excited and looking forward to everything on your agenda or are your preparations, activities, and expectations for the holidays becoming too busy and overwhelming?

I used to love shopping and spent days searching for just the “right” gifts.  My holiday plans were exciting but very time-consuming and impossible to complete on time. I overestimated my ability to cope with the additional stress. Also, the post-Christmas “let-down” lasted through January and half of February. I eventually realized that extreme self-care was a necessary part of my treatment for ADHD and Bipolar Disorder. I now limit my activities to those that I value the most. Maybe simpler preparation and holiday plans can increase your holiday pleasure as well.

To continue reading…

Enjoy your month,

Joan Jager

ADD freeSources.net


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