Neuropathology and Genetics of ADHD – DNA Learning Center videos with Professor Phillip Shaw (1 to 2-minutes each)
Neuropathology of ADHD – Three brain areas in relation to the neuropathology of ADHD: the frontal cortex, amygdala, and hippocampus.
Neuropathology of Attention – Research indicates a pattern of right-hemisphere dominance for attention in the mature brain.
Adult ADHD – Persistence and Remission – “Research suggests 20-25% of children with ADHD have a severe adult form, while approximately 33% show complete remission.” – “In youth with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD), the brain matures in a normal pattern but is delayed three years in some regions, on average, compared to youth without the disorder, an imaging study reveals. The delay in ADHD was most prominent in regions at the front of the brain’s outer mantle (cortex), important for the ability to control thinking, attention and planning. (Executive Functions) (1)
ADHD Comorbidity – “Similarities between ADHD, oppositional defiant disorder, and conduct disorder. The boundary between these disorders is somewhat unclear.”
ADHD, DRD4, and Brain Development – “Research links ADHD with a variant of the Dopamine RD4 gene, which is also associated with brain development.
Biochemistry of ADHD – Dopamine – “An association between ADHD and dopamine receptors may relate to brain development.”
(1) Brain Matures a Few Years Late in ADHD, but Follows a Normal Pattern
NIH News Release- Monday, November 12, 2007