ADHD Awareness Knowing is better ADD freeSources Newsletter

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 ADHD Awareness: Understanding+Intervention = Positive Change


ADHD Awareness:

Understanding + Intervention = Positive change

 Welcome to fall everyone,

Parents take a front seat this month, but we’ve got a little something for everyone.

  • ADHD Awareness – Where can I learn more? and What does it mean for you?
  • Interventions to help increase performance
  • Being an effective advocate for your child
  • Homework strategies
  • 2 short informative, but fun videos for both children and adults.

October is ADHD Awareness month As the official web page attests, “Knowing is better.”  They cover basic information, provide personal stories,  and are sponsoring a video contest that’s sure to entertain. Try to find time to watch at least a one or two of Tara McGillicuddy’s interviews and treatment options at the FREE online event, the ADHD Awareness Expo, from October 1st  -17th. Sign up now.   My own ADHD Awareness board on Pinterest also offers a lot of good material.

I first became aware of ADHD when I read You Mean I’m Not Lazy, Crazy, or Stupid by Kate Kelly and Peggy Ramundo. I ended up crying through most of the book. I had always known that I was a bit “different,” but never knew there was an actual name that described my personal foibles and disappointing failures. Amazingly, I found a wonderful Adult ADHD support group with a library of books, audio and, video tapes in my hometown. Thus began a life-long path of learning to understand and live with ADHD.

Read the entire newsletter here>>>>THIS LINK WORKS NOW! 

 ADHD Awareness: Understanding+Intervention = Positive Change

*Find one of the videos below: The ADHD Manifesto by Andrea Nordstrom of The Art of ADD


Enjoy the cooler weather,

Hope you are well and ready to learn,

Joan Jager

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