enews: ADHD Tips for You and Your Family

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ADHD Tips for You and Your Family

July 2018

Welcome to summer. I’m looking forward to enjoying 93 days of warmer weather and longer hours of daylight. Hope you have a chance to take a few day trips, invite friends over or take a relaxing vacation.

So sorry, but I need your help again with getting the Newsletter out to people that would actually like to receive it. I find it necessary to abandon my current email list and start anew. Please sign up for my new list when you click through to the Newsletter.

Through my work, I hope you will better understand ADHD, how and when it affects our lives and help you and your family get a handle on living a full and satisfying life.

Thanks go to ADHD advocate Kari Taylor Hogan and to ADHD coach Linda Walker for our feature articles about addressing your ADHD symptoms with self-compassion. Both offer effective strategies to improve your functioning in:

16 Steps to Better Self-Esteem with ADHD and
12 Great Strategies that Help ADHers Thrive.

We also have a video from Dr. Charles Parker explaining that ADHD is NOT 24-7 and when ADHD symptoms are most likely to interfere.

Parents may find the next two articles useful. They address what to expect if your child was just diagnosed with ADHD and how to deal with difficult transitions through a simple positive parenting technique: S.M.I.L.E.  You can also enjoy two short Videos from the ADHD Mama.


You’ll find the July Newsletter here.


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Take care of yourself and your family.

Joan Jager

ADD freeSources.net

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See last year’s Newsletters here.

(Image courtesy of Kookkai_nak/FreeDigitalPhoto.net)