ADHD Websites

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1 ADHD Websites- Salvatore Vuono-fdp

“The most important things we can offer Children & Adults with ADHD are Love, Acceptance, Respect & Empathy… In the absence of these things, all of the Other things you do are unimportant” – Sam Goldstein


Center for Disease Control and Prevention ADHD section. Attractive, ADD-Friendly format- complete, but concise- offers basic information about ADHD and children, but provides links to help you find out more. (Mostly to CHADD or the National Resource Center)




CHADD  CHADD stands for Children and Adults with ADHD. CHADD has a national headquarters and approximately 200 local chapters that hold monthly meetings and offers a professional directory (with paid listings.) They provide a wealth of free information on both their own site and link to The National Resource Center for ADHD for even more. Please note: CHADD now offers an Accessibility and Language option that includes text-to-audio in any language as well as many other features.  Look for it on the top right-hand corner. Pressing the link brings up Recite me, an amazing tool! Note: You can also email or talk to a resource specialist to get personalized help.

CHADD National puts on a large annual international conference and publishes the bi-monthly magazine Attention – (One of many membership benefits which include access to their many members-only articles – Individual or family, $5 a month or $53 yearly) Free monthly e-news. Find online support CHADD’s Parent Support group on Health Unlocked

ADDA – ADDA stands for the National ADD Association for Adults. They send out e-mails to keep you up-to-date and feature a Professional Directory. Collecting personal stories from readers and offering Virtual Peer Support.  Webinars are Free for Members ($50 a year or $5 a month) or $10 each.

Attention Deficit Disorder Association Southern Regions  Very active in Texas! Many volunteers help support their work and can offer information in areas they cannot serve with a support group. Good variety of articles both posted and linked.




Healthy Children’s ADHD section features a number of articles from 3 paragraphs to 3 pages long. Topics cover a number of general as well as more specific concerns for ages 3-18 – From the American Pediatrics Association

Kids Health -The #1 most-visited website for children’s health and development. – The Nemours Foundation sponsors a website for Parents, Kids and Teens – each has their own section. Covers any and all aspects of children’s health concerns. Available in Spanish and you may add audio to most articles if reading is a problem. Use the Search option- Just type in ADHD– or just start browsing for other concerns.

ADHD Resource Center from the American Academy of Child and Adolescent Psychiatrists – Includes Facts for Families with up-to-date information, video clips plus an eBook. Copy and paste link:


Children and Adults

Help is a site founded by the Rotary Club International. (Link works) They have a quite a good ADHD section,  but they also address MANY other concerns of modern life – Mental and Emotional Life, Family and Relationships, Healthy Living, Seniors, and Aging.

The Times Health Guide: Attention Deficit Hyperactivity Disorder. Good overview with additional articles and Q&A with Russell Barkley, Ph.D. – Start here!  ADHD Patient Voices3-minute podcasts with slide shows for 8 children, teen, and adult speakers.


ADDitude.mag – A complete site sponsored by ADDitude Magazine, a national bi-monthly magazine for the ADHD community. Short, pertinent articles address a host of AD/HD concerns. Learn about family support options for Attention Deficit Disorder as well as many topics specific to adult issues. Just added a Networking section to their site – with Forums, Blogs, Videos and listings for nationwide ADHD events – Great targetted newsletter -Choose your concerns

ADD – Keath Lowe moderates the site, keeps a Blog, sponsors a Forum and expands the site every day- Up to date and easy to read- Their Coping with ADHD section has a wonderful selection of on-point and useful information.

Totally ADD! for adults –  Some pretty good Information and a lot of just plain fun. Quick videos address a number of common concerns of adults with ADD. Blog and ADHD screening tools- Constantly adding more videos and now providing  FREE Webcasts– (recorded and available for view anytime)

Health / ADHD Central– Recently rewritten. Solid, relateable information with recommendations for other sites and ADHD advocates.

Web MD has a large section devoted to ADHD. Copy and paste: –  They offer a very well-organized and informative overview of the disorder. Articles are generally short and somewhat impersonal, but they’ve tried to cover it all. They even have Videos (prefaced with short ads- indeed many videos are advertisements themselves for supplemental treatments), keep up-to-date on ADHD news, and monitor an online community.

Healthy – Another good starting place- ADHD section addresses a number of common concerns and needs. Most are short, introductory articles, but they cover a  number of topics.


ADD freeSources

ADHD – ADD freeSources on Pinterest – Over 15,000 Pins featuring articles, images and other commentaries on ADHD and related topics.  Choose from 90 boards.  They offer tailor-made information for parents, adults with ADHD,  professionals as well as for children and teens.

ADD freeSources on Facebook – If Facebook is more your cup of tea, we post our favorite articles twice a day.


See Find ADD Support for more on-line support communities.


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