ADHD Life – July 2017 Newsletter

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ADHD overwhelm is real. To survive, we think we must tackle the most visible of our symptoms, the disorganization, forgetfulness, and unfinished tasks first.  But it helps to start at the beginning with basic self-care.  I’m not talking about pedicures or spa days. Many of us neglect basic needs for supporting ourselves physically and mentally.   We don’t even realize that they may be part of the problem and increase impairment from ADHD symptoms.

Yet, a poor diet, disturbed sleep, a lack of exercise, and not taking time for breaks are common problems for children and adults with ADHD. We also don’t make time to rejuvenate, to refresh our mind and bodies.

For this month’s newsletter, I’ve found a few good articles on self-care as well as a Printable on getting organized that I keep on my fridge and consult often. It’s not easy to develop new habits and routines to help carry you through the day, but it is possible. To remind you why the effort is worth it, I’m including two articles on coping with ADHD in the family. We all hope to feel safe and accepted at home, but a misunderstanding of behaviors caused by ADHD can evoke anger, judgment, and shame.  Finally, I have a short video for adults and another for the kiddos.

Continue reading here>>>


For solid information on  ADHD and the many ways it impacts lives, check out Laurie Dupar’s  FREESucceed with ADHD Telesummit, “ July  17th to the 24th  – 20 one-half hour presentations with 24 hours to listen to replays. Sign up now.  


Enjoy the summer.

Take care of yourself and try not to get sunburned.

Joan Jager

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