January 2020 enews: There will be flowers!

Welcome to 2020.

Once again, the New Year has come and gone without any action on my part to name any “resolutions”. My ideas for goals are still rolling around in my brain with no specific starting date, commitment, or accountability. For now, the ideas are flowing and hope sustains me. That will have to be enough

I’m taking my own advice again this month, better late than never. I’ve also written another post full of resources for you to explore. Writing these newsletters, with long posts full of resources to explore has never been easy for me nor really very popular.  But ADHD advocacy is what gets me up in the morning and collecting information, sharing, and offering support is what I do best.

Turns out there’s even a name for it. Curation. (Google definition: cu·ra·tion – /kyəˈrāSHən/ – the selection, organization, and presentation of online content, merchandise, information, etc., typically using professional or expert knowledge.)

Our article this month addresses ADHD Routines and Resolutions.

  • Highlights include:
    The problem with resolutions
    Choosing goals of inherent value to you
    Create routines that support your ability to find success
    Using your strengths to inspire action
    The importance of unconditional acceptance.
  • Inspiration: Mr. Rogers song lyrics and video – It’s you I like. Just as you are.

Continue newsletter here>>> Creative Routines to Fulfill your Goals 

Until next month.

With hope, but no hurry, for the New Year.


Take care, Joan Jager