ADD freeSources Newsletter: Manage your Life, House, and Home with ADHD



Once again I’m getting out this month’s article just days before the month is over.  I’m trying to let go of when I think it SHOULD come out and calling this my new normal.  My coaching group just laughs and says that could be expected for a blog about ADHD. I hope you can find the humor as well.


I remember my support group laughing when a member from Japan told us that the title “Women with Messy Houses” was the Japanese translation for Sari Solden’s book, Women with ADHD. (Link works) It really WASN’T very funny though, since most of us had struggled mightily to keep our houses organized, our chores done and some semblance of order in our lives.


My own life has improved quite a bit since those early days learning about ADHD. Over time I learned that developing systems is the key to organization, housekeeping and good time management.  In this comprehensive article, I have put together a few of my favorite resources to help you find the right tools to adapt to your life.  Pick and choose your own strategies from

Developing systems is the key to organization, housekeeping and good time management.9 House and Home Systems for ADHD.



Take it slow and gradually build up to workable systems for you.  Adapt them as needed. You’ll be surprised at how big an impact that even small changes can make. Try just one idea for a week and see for yourself.


Till next month,


Joan Jager




(Title photo courtesy of Stuart Miles/ Modified on Canva

(9 Systems photo created on